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Jan 29, 2007

The Lexical Brave-hearts

( I Object ....!!!!!)

"Touche" , the latest most fascinating word of one of my friends and the agog with which she awaits to use it in an argument takes me by surprise . Yes , Argument, the most easiest , entertaining , action packed event where you witness the war of words, the clash of wits, clink of acumen and there she gets her dream chance  to acknowledge her opponent and say ...."Touche"...........

We , the young guns , the high spirited generation flooded with adrenaline are ready on our toes anytime for a "Verbal Mahabharat", where the only weapon is being lexically accoutred and having those larynx cleared. But often on contemplating I am bemused to find most of such arguments futile. Sitting in our cosy corners, sipping a "cutting chai" and relishing hot spicy "pakodas" we moot over any topic, volley of statements from every participant even with minimal knowledge about the same. So is this just for personal entertainment and those smirks or are we really soulfully concerned about the topics. Sometimes as political analyst, some other times aa sports critic and again some other times as social activist myriad roles we play in that same arena of argument.

Satiating our idiosyncrasies and hence feeling triumphant, we often escape the moral and social responsibilities efficaciously with a witty argument, the latest cudgel. But how many of the new world...."Lexical Bravehearts"....would transform their ideals into actions? The answer is quick and unanimous, NONE. So why argue on sensitive issue, when we just want to consume our "chai sipping" and "pakoda eating" time with live entertainment. But this is disappointingly disheartening and sometimes even more disgusting when a missed call or a sudden idea of partying is enough to empty our "verbal cartridges".
Basically we are turning socially and morally impaired. We scream, we shout, we snivel but when it's time to shoulder responsibilities we throw excuses to elude. But those not in this bandwagon they may be the torchbearers for the rest.......!!!!!!

Jan 9, 2007

Maiden Innings

(When sealed lips are your best aegis...!!! )

The jubilation after getting through the entrance exams just begins to inebriate. Suddenly the nightmare of their maiden innings in the engineering college perturbs their exhilaration.

Nightmare of their own shirts strangling them, their own attire attacking haunts them. Nightmare of deadly encounters with techno seniors sucks the sleep from their eyes. The mollycoddled babies have just hatched from their shells to face the bare realities. Yet beings the incessant tug of war with themselves to acclimatize with their new ambiance  They move around silently and gingerly with apprehensions of a brush with the peril, the SENIORS. The ants follow their line reaching from one destination to the other, each a solace for the other.
If you still haven’t surmised what am I talking about, then let me be a bit more explicit. It’s about the first few months of the first year of engineering life when zest and zeal is brim-over yet the fearful knot in the throat hinders them from using their larynx. Those days of terror and horrified experiences later prove to be cherished nostalgic reminisce of the new beginning.

Jan 1, 2007

Masking the ugly look.....

(Unabashedly ...slave to a ubiquitous menace!)

The world that looked colourful yesterday is now ashen. If you visualize red, pink and blue then it’s nothing but delusion. Artifice , Artfully, Articulate. Some sort of mutation has made hypocrisy, an indispensable trait of the genes and mind you this trait has no recessive gene. Ideals and principles are so capricious today than one could have ever imagined. Hypocrisy has shrouded all ideals, views, statements. It camouflages every moment. 

Everything is subject to calculations, profit and loss. And when actions are smeared with avarice, compromising concrete ideals by being obsequious becomes an easy task. Every moment we masquerade ourselves as a completely new individual befitting to the present milieu. The lust for the acme has gagged frankness and kidnapped honesty. The call of the inner voice or conscience is often shrugged off and truthfulness, it’s long lost. Nevertheless, even amidst connivance of the mass the allegiance of few obdurate numskulls towards their conscience may help vanquish LUCIFER......

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