Each day a kind deed.

Thought of the Week - Each day a kind deed.
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Jan 9, 2007

Maiden Innings

(When sealed lips are your best aegis...!!! )

The jubilation after getting through the entrance exams just begins to inebriate. Suddenly the nightmare of their maiden innings in the engineering college perturbs their exhilaration.

Nightmare of their own shirts strangling them, their own attire attacking haunts them. Nightmare of deadly encounters with techno seniors sucks the sleep from their eyes. The mollycoddled babies have just hatched from their shells to face the bare realities. Yet beings the incessant tug of war with themselves to acclimatize with their new ambiance  They move around silently and gingerly with apprehensions of a brush with the peril, the SENIORS. The ants follow their line reaching from one destination to the other, each a solace for the other.
If you still haven’t surmised what am I talking about, then let me be a bit more explicit. It’s about the first few months of the first year of engineering life when zest and zeal is brim-over yet the fearful knot in the throat hinders them from using their larynx. Those days of terror and horrified experiences later prove to be cherished nostalgic reminisce of the new beginning.

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