Each day a kind deed.

Thought of the Week - Each day a kind deed.
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Jun 30, 2015

3 Day Quote Challenge - Day 3

Emotions Xpressed_3 Day Quote Challenge Day 3

I am writing this post as part of the 3 Day Quote Challenge (#DQC). This is a self nomination for I found the concept interesting. I first came across this challenge at Lata Subramaniam's blog.

"People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of."

Jun 29, 2015

3 Day Quote Challenge - Day 2

I am writing this post as part of the 3 Day Quote Challenge (#DQC). This is a self nomination for I found the concept interesting. I first came across this challenge at Lata Subramaniam's blog.

"Ruin is the road to transformation."

Jun 28, 2015

3 Day Quote Challenge - Day 1

Emotions Xpressed_3 day quote challenge

I am writing this post as part of the 3 Day Quote Challenge (#DQC). This is a self nomination for I found the concept interesting. I first came across this challenge at Lata Subramaniam's blog.

For the first day, I would like to share a quote I am personally fond of. This is not a quote that belongs to any famous personality. Rather, this is the quote I teach myself when I am in my abysmal low.

"Insult is just a rude way of inspiring."

Jun 27, 2015

55 Fiction - Scared

Emotions Xpressed_55fiction_Scared
She woke up at midnight and tried opening the room door.
It was locked from outside.
Her husband was still sleeping in the same room.
She heard loud footsteps from their adjacent living room.

Scared, she could not breathe. She tried calling her husband’s name.
However, neither she nor her husband could hear her voice.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

WOW Prompt (June 27 - 28)- "Breathless"

Image Credits - Google Imgaes
Article © Copyright Salvwi Prasad
Creative Commons Licence

Jun 26, 2015

Five in Fifty-five

Emotions Xpressed_5 in 55

She was sad. Her selfie did not get enough likes.
It was clicked at an exotic location. She kept refreshing the page every minute.
Frustrated, she threw her mobile on the floor and switched on the TV.
There was news about a young girl who committed suicide because her mother could not afford her education.
